How do I get started as a test site for TRS-OS?
Currently I support five choices;
eZ80F91 development board from Zilog.
eZ80F92 development board from Zilog.
If you have this or similar hardware and are interested simply contact me I can then send you a load file.
Remember this is 'e' version meaning experimental. Product is still being developed, tested and perfected. It is intended to spark imagination and education. Definitely not for use in medical device. Well not yet anyways! 🙂
If you are building your own eZ80F91 or eZ80F92 based SBC, hardware requirements for this OS are 1 MB RAM along with a terminal connected via console port. This terminal can be a simple TTY program or if you need cursor control and wish to run TRS-80 software ADDS25 standard is recommended.
If you are running legacy TRS-80 software and need accurate keyboard and video reproduction it is best to connect using a real TRS-80 model 4 using Logical Systems Term6V which reproduces TRS-80 keyboard/video almost perfectly.